For many of you who do not know, I am the other sister -- the one who lives in the U.S. and the one who was the youngest in the family for seven glorious years until you came along.
My 'baby' brother.
You were the brother we brought up -- we watched after you, we picked you up when you cried, we held you back when you went too far. You were also the younger brother we didn't always have room for. Remember my 16th birthday party? You were nine and you kept turning down the dance music because it was just too loud for you. Look how things have changed. Then, there was the time when you would stand infront of the TV when your sister and I were trying to watch the Donny and Marie Show because you wanted to watch something else.
But you weren't always in the way. Remember the time when the three of us stood on our coffee table and used it as a platform to 'dive?' Two of us were old enough to know better ... well, at least ONE of us should have been. We did a few spectacular 'dives' off the table/diving platform but of course it was only fun until something breaks. We ended up popping the top of the table under our weight -- the big centerpiece of the living room -- but your sister and I fixed it before mama and abah got home that day and I don't think they ever found out.
You might have heard us jokingly refer to you as the 'unexpected surprise' of the family -- coming seven years after me, and 10 after your sister. Almost like a question mark. But, the truth of the matter is -- you are like that second parenthesis in this family. Mama and abah started this family more than half a century ago and put in place the first parenthesis. They were the first 'arm' and under its wraps, they had your sister, me and with it, all the colorful, rich moments that we've had together.
You are that other arm that completes this embrace. You, my brother, complete the family. You are the brother with the mischevious, loving, well-intentioned ways -- even if it's sometimes in your unconventional style. You brought a certain element of balance into the family; more importantly, you brought into the family your beautiful bride -- a girl as lovely inside as she is on the outside. And, tonight, you've given us all a reason to pause our lives just long enough to rejoice in the celebration of love in your life and in ours as well.
I am so proud of being your sister and I am incredibly happy you've found the person to share the rest of your charmed life with. I know Mama is looking down on this very joyous occasion and she is absolutely beaming with pride.
I love you and I wish you and your bride all the best a sister can ever wish her younger brother.