And I know better.
The sad part is that I don't remember to question the balance anymore, it's become part of what I do. It's become what I have to do. Until, of course, the Universe throws a pie at me. Well, sort of. It's a work/life balance tool shown on a pie chart. I'm not sure why I started keying in the numbers because I knew what it would say. But I did. And, not surprising, the work portion took a huge piece of the pie.
But this was what took the cake. A huge portion of my week went to the unsuspecting 'unplanned hours.' The lion's share. Unplanned. My day. Week after week. After week.
I can entertain the thought of the spontaneity of this, but it's leaning much to close to 'randomness' and to being 'undesigned,' plus an undeniable flirting with the sheer haphazardness of it all.
I need to think about this.
Hmm, perhaps some unplanned, unmanaged loosening?
Wait -- isn't that exactly not the way to go??